of ChatGPT with

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of ChatGPT with

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Let's Break Down



5 Step-By-Step Video Modules To Learn At Your Own Pace

You get 5 transformational, step-by-step video training sessions. Each module is stacked with real life lessons, implementation strategies, practical information and simple and fun challenges to help leverage the power of ChatGPT to write high converting and deeply engaging copy and market your business. Save time, money and resources.


Transcript On The Gos

Daily guided emails from me and gorgeous designed transcripts of all 5 modules so you can read and learn on the go or underline or circle things to underscore what you learned in the videos.


Over 100 AI Copy, Marketing & Small Biz Prompts

A stacked mini resource library. Unlock the door and get over 100 small business AI Prompts that are stacked, loaded and placed in your private members' portal. Just copy and paste into ChatGPT (or any other AI generative tool). You’ll feel like you have a team of writers and marketers in your back pocket.


Over 100 Done-For-You Caption & Copy Template

Walk away with a social media copy toolkit if you want to connect, sell and make an impact in the world but words fail you. Unlock the door after the 5- day-challenge and get over 100 AI generated, human crafted, done-for-you customizable captions to get over the overwhelm it takes to create copy for social media.


A Front Row Seat To Live Group Training

For 1 month after your purchase, you can turn on your Zoom camera, pour a drink, & gather for a group coaching Ask-Me-Anything session with MOI. Learn in real time, in the flesh 1x/per week. Ask me anything and pick my brain because there is no way I’m letting you buy the Collective and allow it to collect dust. I'll hold your hand.


A Custom Portal

A private portal that's easy to use and constantly updated. All course materials, including streaming videos, MP3s, transcripts, and growth assignments, and additional resources are within our online member portal. We want to train you how to use ChatGPT as your most treasured copywriter so you have the skills that serves you in an AI led world

The AI Copy Collective Launches in October

You'll be the First to enjoy BIG Savings when you sign up to The
AI Copy Collective Waitlist.

designed to help you 10x your productivity and make sure you and your
business level up to be successful in an AI-led world.

designed to help you 10x your productivity and make sure you and your business level up to be successful in an AI-led world.

Sign up below to be added to the
AI Copy Collective Waitlist.

Sign up below to
be added to the
AI Copy Collective Waitlist.

Join Michelle, Linda and July and be among the group of female founders getting the AI Copy Collective .

Join the Waitlist Today!

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Where Human Intelligence Meets Artificial Intelligence

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