Use This ChatGPT Prompt For Your Next Speech

Today,  I want to share the best speech prompt I’ve designed. I stacked it in a burst of creativity as a sample  prompt for some university copywriters I was training at the time.   It’s been used over and over again and it’s only because  I took the time to write the prompt. I’ve said it […]

Here’s How To Keep Focused When Creating Content

Lately, I’ve been mulling over the time it takes to create content.  Not the Instagram performative: “I’m happy, look at me, life is great,” kind of content. I’m talking about the more deliberate stuff. The posts where it takes effort and hours to share your values, build a personal brand and attract browsers to your […]

How To Deal With Social Media Trolls & Bullies

Social media bullies don’t come to play. They just come for you. And you know how I always tell you that you need to be the HERO in your own story? That your hero’s journey is how you begin to define your personal brand and share your core messages and values with the world? Well, […]