Nouman Jaffar

My Social Media Struggle

Can I admit something to you?
Social media is hard. I mean I show up here but don’t for a second ________  (think that it is natural/ believe it’s easy for me/ I’m not shy). But I’ve grown into it and I know sometimes I have to get out of my way. It’s as my coach ______ (name coach) says ______ (state her/his advice).
So I’ve been ____ (keeping a journal/ writing my thoughts down/speaking into the audio recorder on my phone)to keep track of my ideas and what I need to do.
What I’ve come to realise about social media____ (is that it takes me from my comfort zone/ it’s just a conversation/ I need to be social).
The truth is my work needs to be shown and all these cheap, easy-to-use platforms are at my disposal to do just that. I am no longer worried about being perfect, speaking perfect, or looking perfect, I just want to show you the gift of my work, with all my sincerity.
I hope that shows most of all.

Measuring The Days

Overnight success is (a falsehood / such a lie / the biggest myth in small biz growth). Dig into anyone’s success story and you’ll find years and years of toil. I have been working on ___ (state business) for _____ (state years) and it feels like ____ (a lifetime, a decade, like if it was yesterday).
But I’ve got some advice for you.
The way I get through the passage of time is to focus (on the days, being present, working through things in the now). I know where I want to go but I find that working on the little pieces bit-by-bit, every day, I can see my progress and my process more fully. That makes me feel accomplished on the inside.
How do you measure your days?

The Way We Serve

Hey my friend, do you have a minute? I want to share with you how we roll with ____ (state your business/offer product)
Ok. So off the bat, the very first thing we do is ______(have a discovery call to learn about your needs / send you an order form so you can detail what you’d like customised /ask you to write a brief)
Then, we___ (assess your _____ / we suggest a free consultation for 10 minutes to assess your needs and ship your package/ follow through with your order).
Finally, we tie things all up with a bow by ______ (providing monthly business check-ins / following up with a service call/ etc.).
Our aim is to serve like it’s nobody’s business. Now that you know, how can we help you with _______(insert your solution to their pain point) today?

It’s On

I am so pleased to give you some snippets about what’s been happening at _______ (state the name of your business )
From  __________ (date, time)  you can __________ ( get 25 percent off my sales rack, download a FREE Bonus with any purchase, listen to my latest podcast) and get the______ ( best styles and personal assistance / deeper insights into how to build your brand / amazing interviews with some of my favourite leaders in __________
Interested?  Good! DM me with questions or __________ (grab the link in my bio/ check out  the webpage at ______ / send me  a text message at _________
I can’t wait to connect with you.

Born To Change The World

They shape us but they don’t define us.
Let me drop some gems for you.
There is enough _____( abundance, breakthrough, money, prosperity, gratitude,) and grace to abound for all. For you and me.
No matter the _________(lockdown/ current situation/ bank account), ______ (align with abundance/ vibrate higher/ pray and manifest your calling/ ) and ask for what you want.
You don’t have to stay in the shadows. I say this because I know the only way out of it is through it.
Post Below: I was born to be a success !!!
Tag Your Bestie: because women go further and faster when they move together

The Comparison Trap

It’s a ______ (weird feeling /so surreal/shaky thing) to feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be and that some people are so much further ahead.  
Not married.
Married but not fulfilled.
Feeling burdened by the mortgage 
Looking back with regret at having no children
Living alone but wishing for some company.
Not having the business you want. Having the business you want but feeling burdened.
Taking big scary risks while everyone is settling down.
Being settled and looking out the window yearning for something more
We can all feel as if we are not enough and be hampered by________ (thoughts of where we should be by now/ the “competition” / how much further someone else has reached / the feeling that we are way behind). 
But here’s the real deal. While we can sometimes struggle to control our feelings, it should not stop us from still finding joy in our present.
You can hold space to get the negative thoughts out of your head and you can hold space to acknowledge that your journey to self is ongoing.  
I understand the yearning for more and the hunger for the next but don’t let that stop you from the happiness that’s happening now. 

Being Ok With Wanting More

For a long time I ran away from (insert what you avoided)I didn’t wear (short dresses/bikinis/a lot of colour)
I didn’t start making (what didn’t you try)
I put off (my book / my career / moving my business in a new direction)
I shied away from ( long term relationships / having female friendships / making real money)
You see I had a problem (with always wanting to be perfect / perfectionism/ being true to who I am)
But as I grew into my power I realized I can’t wait for things to be perfect. Perfect does not exist.
There will always be obstacles, there will always people that look better than me, who are younger than me and who can do it more easily than me with more money.
So who is with me in no longer thinking that (ten more/fewer pounds, or one more year/ a little more time / or a little more experience/money) is going to make a difference in the journey to success…If you’re with me leave an emoji below.
Let’s trust that we can make do with what we have to get where we need to go.