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How to Create a Successful Digital Product Launch: Lessons from Rihanna’s Fenty Hair

Talking about digital offers, how to have a successful digital product launch and  the steps to turn knowledge into income is by far my favourite job.

I have very thick lines around how I get my messages across:

⤷ Write long form blog posts

⤷ Produce companion videos

⤷Turn it into newsletter content

⤷ Flesh out micro content

⤷ Create a distribution schedule

(I should talk more about the repurposing game, huh!) 🤔💭

For now, I just love how this content is changing hearts and minds about what it means to be online with proven systems and to earn repeated, recurring revenue.

***It ain’t about social.***

And it ain’t about putting up a website and hoping they will come.

They don’t.

^^ There. I said what I said.

CASE STUDY: Fenty Hair Care Digital Product Launch by LVMH

EXHIBIT 1️⃣: Fenty Hair Care Line.

Frankly, Rihanna could have sat on her billion-dollar bum and introduced Fenty Hair with a nice enough product launch as the latest addition to Fenty Beauty.

The global superstar already has a multi million dollar beauty brand and has blazed a major trail when it comes to product inclusivity

But no, Ma’am.

She came on guns blazing. Rihanna turned the launch of her nine hair care and styling products into a digital offer.

And she started first with this ad ⬇️ that ended all other hair product ads. ⬇️


Awesome, right?

Ri Ri delivered an ultra high-end, engaging, colourful launch video with the Bajan beauty repping as the ultimate brand ambassador.

In the commercial, she strolled down a pastel coloured candy land neighbourhood where The Fenty Hair Salon stood smack at the centre of this world.

1. The commercial served us:

 2. Product placement

3. Diversity in hair texture

4. A skin tone rainbow

 We also got Rihanna, the personal, brand ambassador that crushes all the other the celebrities when it comes to the authenticity of her product launches.2. 


No. 2| How To Leverage Social Media Before A Digital Product Launch

After we watched the commercial (anybody else pressed the replay button a thousand times?), Rihanna took us to one of her most valuable pieces of marketing real estate: Instagram.

And this is where she began the process of turning a physical product line into a digital offer.

Let’s look at Instagram, and go straight to her brand promise.

In her brand promise, right there in black and white , RiRi states Fenty Hair welcomes “A New Era Of Repair.”

However after the commercial’s launch, online watchers were confused. Was The Fenty Hair Collection about wigs, extensions, or hair care products?

The fashion mogul sets the record straight, promising “clinically tested products to repair, strengthen, hydrate, smooth + protect.”

Boom. 💣

We got it—the value proposition, the brand promise.

Her line is all about products designed to help women (and men) take better care of their hair.

⬇️The Profitable Launch Kit. CLICK HERE to strategise, organise & craft an online offer that power glides into any of your upcoming launches with 4 ultimate playbooks + launch planning system.⬇️

No. 3| A Strong Call To Action Can Shift A Digital Product Launch

Right below the brand promise, Rihanna’s first IG post gave us a powerful call to action (CTA): sign up for early access to the drop.

Her goal?

To get the curious to click the link in her bio and move the relationship off Instagram and onto her private email list, hosted on her website.

Check out the CTA below. She leaves nothing to the wind.ᐟ💨💨

LESSON LEARNED: Use social media for brand awareness and your email list for conversion in your digital product launch,

Getting her customers’ names onto the Fenty Hair database allows RiRi’s digital marketing team to put prospects into a welcome sequence likely based on what actions they took while on her website.

EXAMPLE: If I clicked on photos with women with 4C hair, I’d likely enter the Fenty Hair universe with a welcome sequence featuring products suited for my type.

Those emails would feel personalised and tailored to me.

And the likelihood of me buying any of her 9 launch products would shoot to the moon because RiRi saw me.

You get the drift.

Systems, people. Systems. They work.

We don’t see them; they are all in the back end but they are working overtime to make a digital product launch as successful online as it is offline.

RELATED: ⬇️The Profitable Launch Kit. CLICK HERE to strategise,  organise & craft an online offer that power glides into any of  your upcoming launches with 4 ultimate playbooks + launch planning system.⬇️

No. 4| Rihanna's Mastery of SMS Marketing

Now, let’s obsess over the next thing that makes RiRi’s digital product launch outstanding.

Rihanna asks for phone numbers because she’s going to invite those who signed up for her emails to go deeper into her universe.

Now she’s going to hit us up with SMS. This is digital marketing on the bullet train.

It’s a perfect strategy because it’ll alert all the millions of subscribers directly on their mobile phones the very second the offer (one shampoo, two conditioners, one treatment, four styling products, and one tool) actually drops.

She revs up the hype with a countdown on her website. ⏳『⩇⩇:⩇⩇』

Now her entire backend system is working on overdrive, but it’s also a really smooth ride because everything is automated. Everything feels easy, not contrived.

➡️ The emails

➡️ The pitches

➡️ The sales pages

➡️ The fulfillment

➡️ Even the announcement of the site going live

This linking of her entire ecosystem is done months in advance of the launch.

⬇️The Profitable Launch Kit. CLICK HERE to strategise, organise & craft an online offer that power glides into any of your upcoming launches with 4 ultimate playbooks + launch planning system.⬇️

5|Rihanna's Addresses The Controversy Head On

Rihanna has lots of capital in her reputation bank.

I don’t think there is another celebrity who has such a personal, authentic relationship with her fans and the general public.

Ok, maybe there’s one more, Taylor Swift. 

But the global ambassador whose roots run deep under a Caribbean sun (that warmth is present no matter where she is in the world)  has an ability to speak to and reach every single continent in the world.

There is something to be said about Rihanna  being bold enough to show up to the L.A launch of Fenty Hair without a wig, without extensions, without the short blonde pixie weave in the commercial.

She chose to rock her short natural curls.

On the red carpet she said: “I’ve had almost every texture, colour, length, from weaves to braids to natural and I’m launching a flexible line of products for not only every hair want…but for my own”

By her choice of words and her big chop reveal, she sublimely declared that she’ll use her own product line to grow her own hair back, and we would bear witness.


What’s Can You Learn From Rihanna’s Digital Product Launch?

Decoding how The Fenty Hair Collection was launched as a digital offer was simple because it’s easy for me to look at the spider web and pull apart the threads.

But if you’re thinking: “Well, there is nothing here for me, Judette. I’m going to need billions to do all that.”

Well, you’re wrong!

The only currency you need is your determination. 🙌 👏🏽💯

Turning a physical product into a digital offer requires planning. AI may have made it easier, but you can’t skip the planning.

If YOU want sustained, repeated revenue, YOU must work at systems. And that’s  Ahem, not social media sexy.

If you’re not motivated to learn, try out, build, falter, fix, you won’t win.

You will NOT build systems by spending all your time scrolling and posting on social media.

Systems aren’t about luck since You cannot twinkle-toe your way into repeated, recurring revenue online.

It’s work at the start but once you nail it, boy o boy!

If you made it to this point, YOU’RE READY TO BE THAT PERSON.

The person who places Action over feelings of defeat, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

In the video below, I share three simple things you must know in order to start.

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