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20 Content Frameworks To Use In Your Next Email Marketing Sequence

I’ve got a Dora The Explorer question for you, and it has everything to do with crafting an email marketing sequence for your online launch.

Let’s dive right in.

How many emails do you think it takes for someone to buy your product or service?

Are you thinking 3? or 5? Maybe 10?

Guess what?

It actually takes an average of 20. I say “on average” because I’ve even built sequences with 34 emails to include both a down-sell and cross-sell journey.

But hold on for a second.

I don’t want you to feel like 34 emails are what you need for a successful email funnel.

I tell my students all the time, it’s not about the number of emails but the quality and purpose behind them.

The objections I hear the most

Whether you’re selling a digital product, hosting a webinar, or offering a service, it takes more than just a few emails to turn a lead into a paying customer.

Now, I can almost hear the naysayers and doubters chiming in:

“Judette, 20 emails are still too much!”

“People will unsubscribe.”

“It’ll look spammy.”

“What could I possibly say from email to email?”

“No one has time to read all that.”

Let me stop you right there.

It’s not too much.

People won’t unsubscribe if the emails are written well, and add value.


If they are engaging and useful.

In both cases, people will not only stay subscribed, but they’ll look forward to the next mail coming down your funnel.

So, here’s the deal.

 If you’re serious about making sustained and repeated revenue from your offer or launch, you’ll need a strategy that includes at least 20 emails. 

No ifs, and/ or buts.

I’m standing 10 toes down on this. And yes,  I know your next question will be: “Where do I even start.”

Where to begin with your email marketing sequence?

It actually begins with your offer—you know, that irresistible something-something you’re going to sell. 

This is the match that sets your whole sequence on ablaze. 

So, before you even think about what your email sequence looks like, ask yourself:

👉 Is my offer crystal clear?
👉 Does it solve a problem my audience cares about?

That’s your base. Everything else is stacked upon that foundation.

I need you to reflect on this for a deep second. 

When you first create your landing page, home page,  even your sales page you would already have considered your audience’s pain points and deepest desires.

You probably would also have written about your product or service, highlighting its benefits in detail.

So by the time you sit down to write your e-mails, you’re not starting from scratch. 

You’ve already laid the groundwork, all your mental frameworks, even the voice/tone you’ll use.

This is key because having a deep understanding of your offer makes it so easy to write a compelling email sequence that resonates with your audience.

Sectioning the email marketing sequence | this breakdown works

  • Now that you understand  that your starting point comes long before you write the first sentence in email No. 1, let’s move on to the next critical framework to consider.

Think of your email sequence like a river. 

It should flow smoothly without any rocks or pebbles disrupting its path. 

Your goal is clear: to make sales. We all want conversion, that’s always the ultimate goal, right?

However, before you get to the sales part, there’s the “connection” phase.  

This is where your nurture sequence comes in. It’s all about building a relationship with your potential customers, letting them know who you are, and piquing their interest in your offer.

I categorise this into a couple sections

  • First, you introduce yourself and your offer.
  • Then, you share stories, anecdotes, and examples that will allow your prospects to have confidence in whatever it is you’re saying. 

Think of it like a handshake. 

At this point, people become curious about your offer. They’re getting to know you and deciding whether they want to learn more.

Related:My Six Steps To Grow Your Email List Successfully

Why video matters in an e-mail marketing sequence

Now, here’s a pro tip: Nothing pulls everything together better than video.

I’m going to stand firm on this—video is a powerful converter. 

When your audience can see you, hear you, and witness your expertise firsthand, that handshake becomes much more meaningful. 

At this stage, the email marketing sequence shifts.

And you move from nurturing to converting, and the hard-core sales begin.

Let’s break down what this could look like over a 20-email sequence:

  1. Nurture Sequence: Start by building a connection.
  2. Middle Sequence: Build trust, often using educational content like webinars. This is my fave
  3. Sales Sequence: Move into sales and conversion.
  4. Cart Close Sequence: Finish with urgency, maybe even a down-sell.

Ok, let me break this all down for you now. 

This is a simple structure you can use for a 20 email marketing sequence.

I’ve built it brick by brick and these frameworks are especially if you’re running an on-demand webinar in the middle of your funnel. ***highly recommend***

Confession: This kind of sequence is my favourite because it has the highest conversions

This email marketing sequence will take the guesswork out of building your funnel


Email #1: Here’s Your Gift

Send your freebie and explain how it solves a problem. Guide them on how to use it effectively.

Email #2: Introduction and Why I Want to Serve

Share your story and passion. Relate the free product to your paid offer without mentioning it yet.

Email #3: You’ve Found Your Community.

Describe the types of people you help most. Encourage engagement by asking which group they belong to.

Email #4: Your 7 Top Challenges:

I know what your deepest desires are. I know the things you’ve tried: endless courses, books, fittings, service, products. 

Here’s why 7 reasons why things didn’t work for you—and here’s why my approach is different.  I’m having a master class/ webinar soon. Here are some details.

Email #5: What You Really Want.

I know the outcomes you expect and want. Here are 3 of them. How do I know this? I once I walked in your shoes. I was just like you. That’s why I can show you how to achieve your outcomes. Here’s more about the upcoming webinar.

Emails 6 -10.

Email #6: My Backstory.

Remember I told you in email 2 about my passion? Well here’s the back story. I used to be exactly where you are now. Here are my problems. 

Here were the outcomes I wanted. Here’s what I tried and why it didn’t work. Here’s what changed. And here’s where I am today. Now, I’d like to help you do the same in my webinar. 

Have you registered? Here are the details.

Email #7: Myths & Objections.

I know you may feel defeated and I understand you may think [list objections]. Maybe they were based on these things [INSERT].  Here are new ways that can help you reframe the way you think and feel.  I tell you more in the webinar. Don’t forget you’ve got 2 more days left.

Email #8: Proven Solutions

I don’t come to this topic lightly. I want to share the strategies that have helped persons X, Y, Z  [evidence-based]. I’m teaching you everything, I know. Here’s the link.

Email #9: Constraints

Ah, there are so many mistakes when people set out to do this on their own. Here’s why those mistakes happen. By the way, I can help you avoid these mistakes. Here’s what you’ll learn in the webinar, here’s the link.

Email #10: Final Day To Do This.

I wanted to teach you this. I want to show you how you can have the results you need.  Here’s what you can expect to learn. Doors close now. Register here

Let’s move to the final 10

Now there is a part of this sequence that branches off into thank you and reminder sequences (to attend the webinar).  I’m not going into that here for fear of this being too much.

But by email 10,  you can see you’ve given a ton of free value You’ve built the trust. Now it’s time for the hard pitch. So let’s take the sequence up from after the webinar.

Your goal is now to convert.

That’s the main aim. So this next phase of the sequence is to get those new, hot leads to ascend with you.

Email #11:  Product / Service Into. 

Here’s my product/service and how it’s designed for you. Here are the benefits. Here are the features you’ll get when you commit.  [Link to your offer]

Email #12: Added bonuses.

I wanted to give you more. When you buy my X, you’ll also  get  Y, all these free bonuses valued at [INSERT $ VLAUE]

Email #13: Testimonials.

Look at who I’ve also helped. They got direct results from my product/service. Their stories are powerful. [Note: Include testimonials as designs]

Email #14:  Do you want different results?

Ask yourself a quick question: if you keep on doing what you’ve been doing will it work? Will you still be stuck? If yes, let’s get you on track. Here’s how product/ service X/Y can help you.

Here’s the final 5 

Email #15: A standout testimonial.

Here’s the story of someone who worked with me using this same product /service.  Here’s their full Zero to Hero journey. This could be you too. (Include a link to YouTube video. Don’t forget to include a link back to your sales page)

Email #16: Focused benefits.

Here’s a quick story about the transformation you can expect. I don’t write this lightly. Here is another story of someone who said the benefits of X/Y/ were so transformative she was able to [INSERT TRANSFORMATION]. Do you want the same results too?

Email #17: What Have You On The Fence Survey?

Real quick, would you mind letting me know what have you on the fence? Which of the following 3 options is it? Time? Not sure if you’re ready? Or cost? Let me know so I can help find a solution.

Email #18: Video show and tell.

Here’s what you’re getting when you purchase. Let me hold your hand and walk you through what you’ll find on the backend.

Email #19: Disappearing. This ends soon.

You’ve got 1 more day left, I’ll give you 10% off and an added bonus but in  24 hours all this value goes away.

Email #20: Ends now

Here’s the direct link to your discount that you must use now. This is the last day to get X.

Bonus idea:

So real talk. This is an investment in time.  

But your email sequence is more than just a sales tool—it’s an opportunity to connect, inspire, and create lasting impact.

Every email should serve a purpose, and when done right, it builds trust and anticipation, not overwhelm.

Think of it as a journey you’re guiding your audience on, from curiosity to commitment.

And let me tell you, when that final “Yes, I’m in” comes through? It’s a game-changer, not just for them but for you too.

Now, take a deep breath, trust the process, and build your email marketing sequence.

Your audience is ready, and so are you. 👊🏽


I love talking about all things digital, AI and content marketing. So feel free to share this blog on your social media platform.

Now, I want to hear from you!

💬 What’s the biggest hurdle you face when it comes to email marketing? Drop a comment below, and let’s solve it together.

Let’s keep this conversation going.

Psst—don’t forget to snag  that 20-email sequence for your launch funnel.

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