Sell & Showcase August 2021

I Use Social Media For This

Do you think social media is a real place? I mean how do you keep up with the ______( the need to be real and and the pressure of being PERFECT?) How do you deal with wanting to edit and have a curated look?

Is it CHALLENGING to be authentic online?

As a small biz owner _____(social media is crucial for my success/ showing up on my platforms brings me new business/ is overwhelming but I do it anyway)

And whether the sqaure grids we build our businesses on are real or not, I _____(get to decide what aspects of my world and work I share/ I don’t ever worry about keeping up with the Jones’ / I tuck away my overwhelm and I try to make it work for my small business).

So, for me, here’s the thing about being authentic on social media,____ (I can’t control how people see my success, I have little control of how I’m perceived, I dont worry much about people judging me or my work).

Every space has its set of unwritten rules, and I have very little say on those rules but I can put in the time showing up, taking people behind the scenes, working hard to present the real me so I connect with my followers and they connect with me.

So how do YOU deal with the pressure to be PERFECT on social media? I can’t wait to go back and forth with you in the comments. I learn so much from you in the comments.

Mistakes Can Take You Places

Nothing comes easy. Can I have an AMEN if you’re a small business owner and know this to be the truth?

For instance,. I must have _____________ [rewritten the script for my latest online course at least 100 times / thrown out a gazillion designs before being comfortable with my collection / sent a thousand emails and business proposals to get funding for my venture.].

Sometimes we have to do things over and over again to get something right and I can’t begin to tell you how many minutes have slipped away from me just by sitting still in the learning phase.

At the same time—ultimately—I (state your accomplishment/ got it done, right?)

So, when the mistakes I make seek to derail me, I just keep on creating.

Now I’m happy to say ____________ (my course is ready to be launched / the collection is sold out and I’m working on my second / I got the investment and my dream is about to come to life /etc.)

So don’t go knocking yourself out when things aren’t perfect the first time around. Once you learn from the process, those mistakes can take you places you need to go.

Need Your Opinion

I’m so excited to share this with you. It’s ___________ [the latest cover of my digital product / the new design I’m launching at Christmas time etc.).
It’s _____________ (been a labor of love/ been a long time in the making etc.]
There are _____ (still a few tweaks / it has to be edited etc. but I wanted to share this with you and get your thoughts.
So what so you think? Honesty, please

A Little Know Fact About My Business

I’m coming in HOT with some facts about my business and it’s stronger than that cup of coffee you’re holding onto right now.
Here is something not too many people know about my__________ [business/product/service]!
Did you know _____(state little known fact about it)? PLUS, it’s __________ [share benefit of product/service]!
This always surprises my /our customers whenever I say it out loud
Did it surprise you too?

How We/ I Can Help

Calling all __________ (word or phrase that resonates with your ideal client/customer)!
Today, let’s talk about why __________ (3/5/etc.) reasons your __________ (website isn’t converting / home isn’t selling / you’re not feeling energized / etc. ). __________ (
List and explain reasons]. __________
[Web design/ Real estate/ taking control of your diet Etc.] It can be very difficult, but (I’m / we’re) here to help you every step of the way!
We can _______(state benefits of working with you)
Click the link in [my/our] bio ASAP, I have a special discount for you there.

My Work Is Hard

If one more person tells me: “I must feel so free owning my small business, I’m blocking them forever. #kiddingnotkidding.

“Feeling free” is the last thing I experience when ______( I’m packing shipments for FEDEX / I’m working late at night on my sales page / looking over the menu for tomorrow’s Wine Evening long after everyone is in bed etc).

I know people mean well but I feel more folks need to acknowledge the work we, small biz owners, put in.

This is true especially at the beginning of the journey, deep in the middle too where we don’t have a clear idea of——–(how our dreams will evolve / what the next step should be etc)

Because as much as I sometimes wish that the path was all mapped out clear, when I think about, it’s not. And it does not ALWAYS feel free at all.

Ok! that’s the rant I wanted to share with you. Anyone else thing entrepreneurship is freaking hard? Let me know in the comments.