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4 Mental Models To Think About When Building Your First Digital Offer
You want to create your first digital offer this year but you’re not sure what to sell.

Maybe you’re a multi-hyphenate and can’t decide what to focus on or maybe you’re confused about where to start.

Don’t worry.

Thinking about what exactly you should be selling online takes a little bit of brainstorming and I don’t know about you but I like to know that whenever my work meets the world, it’s earning me profit.

After all, the word “business” should count for a heck of a lot even when we put :small” in front of it.

So what if there was a way to lean into your special brand of genius, ensuring that whatever digital offer you created would be a wild success

Would you want that for yourself? If you said yes, then I’m about to stand on business for ya! 


My First Digital Offer Back Story

 First, let’s do a backstory. 

This journey of mine started, oh, some 10+ years ago.

At the time, I had a very successful PR firm serving global clients like Samsung, Microsoft, as well as companies in the energy and financial sectors.

It made me mad money, I can’t lie, but it came at a price: deep fatigue, extreme stress. I was working across multiple time zones all the time, even on holidays.

And I wanted to work from a place of peace and less hustle. 

So, I created my first digital offer, “30 Days Of Planning Content,” in 2014 just to try it out.

It was an online planning calendar full of content suggestions. Something I knew that small business owners struggling with content would need.

My first foray was a dud but that didn’t stop me from making my second and third offers and getting better and better at honing systems.

And I’ll tell you what, hands to heavens in the Cowboy Carter way, my  subsequent digital offers transformed my entire business—no, hold up. Rewind, please. They transformed my life.

They allowed me the income and life I wanted. I bought an apartment in NYC for cash, invested in property, traveled etc.

So when I tell you that I know a thing or two about the freedom, money, and sustainable success that a digital offer can bring—take it as your Come To Jesus moment.

A digital offer can get you to earning a profitable living online once you know the basics.

No. 1| What Is A Digital Offer?

So step number one is to really zone  in on your specific area of genius.

We all have one, right?

That thing that you know and do better than anyone else… 

And when you do it it, you can sit with it for hours and it never feels like work 

That thing has become your signature and everybody regards you as the expert.

Best of all, what you’ve always taken for granted is like gold for others and can packaged into a digital offer. 

Sounds like you? Then you can turn your knowledge, talent and skill into a digital offer.

That’s your first metal model but it’s far from the last. Let me get some definitions out the way before I proceed.

When you think about your first digital offer, wrap your head around the fact that it’s just a product or service.

The only thing that’s different is that you sell it online. And you earn income online.

Also you  provide extreme value to others in the process 

You can earn limitlessly once your systems are in place and you know how to bring in leads. 

So your digital offer can be  anything from an  e-book, an online course, a membership site, a webinar series, to downloadable resources like templates and planners, on line product or service.

The beauty of a digital offer is that it allows you to reach a global audience, automate your sales process, and generate income 24/7. 

It’s about packaging what you know into a format that others can buy and benefit from.

This is the real win-win. You achieve financial freedom and you  help others succeed.

This Tip Is Important

Now if you’re a multi hyphenate  which means you’re really good at many things and can’t  decide what offer to send off into the world.

I want to share  something  that’ll never steer you wrong 

 Sell one thing at a time. 

Get really good at it and then begin to add or release  more products / services to your portfolio.

That way you’re not running around like a crazy rabbit and your energy is focused on one area of genius at a time.

Plus you build credibility way faster when you’re known for that singular thing and from there, you can branch off.

Comment below if that makes any sense at all for you, in the current way you approach things.

No. 2| Understand Who You Serve?

So in the second mental model, as you’re brainstorming your first digital offer, you need think about if your offer solves a specific problem and for whom?

Now, I’m sure you’ve heard the words target audience before? 

Well I want you to think about your offer as if it’s serving one person, or one category of folks, and these folks all share the same dreams, desires, values, needs.

I’m spitting facts.

 FACT 1: Catering your digital offer/product or service so that it appeals to everybody is a sure-fire way to talk to no one person in particular.

FACT 2: When you sell to everyone you sell to no one.

I know that sounds crazy and I get a lot of push back but I am standing on business.

I’m ten toes down on this one.

Because at the end of the day, you need to connect your offer to your ideal audience.

It does not matter if your offer is for busy entrepreneurs or big-hearted creatives, millennial moms or single fathers. 

You’ll need a community for connections, to add value, to find joy, inspire and to whom you can sell to.  

Told ya, FACTS! Only FACTS!

That’s why you need to know who you serve really intimately. You need to have a solid idea of who your offer is for.

⬇️The Profitable Launch Kit. CLICK HERE to strategise, organise & craft an online offer that power glides into any of your upcoming launches with 4 ultimate playbooks + launch planning system.⬇️

No. 3| Your Best Digital Offer Is Based On Your Ideal Customer's Desires.

Your third step is to understand your ideal customer’s deepest desires.

It’s not good enough to just know the demographic and age of your ideal customer. 

You’ve got to dive into understanding hearts and minds.

You’ve got to know what we digital entrepreneurs call: “their deepest desires.”

I say that like I made that up.

It’s just what it’s called.

There is nothing sexy about it but everything strategic surrounds it.

So what you want to do is identify the deep desires within your audience that you can tap into and showcase your offer as the product or service that soothes that desire.

Don’t forge what you’re about right? You’re creating a digital offer to solve a problem. 

Also remember that phrase: You don’t know what he /she is going through until “walk in their shoes?”

Well that applies with your digital offer too

To understand this you have ask yourself WHY!

Why would  your ideal customer buy what you have to sell and how would he/she feel after they bought it?

Because by satisfying their deepest desires you’re also transforming them, allowing them to reach a state of high satisfaction or have something they  truly want.

Check Out This Personal Case Study 

Let me pull out a Bingo Card and turn a mirror onto you and the reason why you’re reading this post.

First up, I knew who I wanted to read this post.

I wanted YOU.

I wanted founders who saw themselves getting streams of passive income.

I wanted people who were yearning to monetise their expertise.

You do not want to be popular. You’d rather be profitable.

You don’t need to make a million dollars on Instagram.

You want to define what’s ENOUGH FOR YOU.

That’s why you are reading this.

And because I understood who you were, I wanted you to exit here better informed as to what it takes to build a profitable digital offer.

So I tapped into your desires with my headline , thumbnail, my copy, my website, my newsletter etc. 

However you discovered me, I already know that you were my people because I understood what you desired and also what was keeping you back, your roadblocks and fears

Nothing beats this.

Writing down your ideal customer’s desires and objections so you know off the bat the kind of messaging that works best with your offer is key.

These kind of messages end up living rent free in your ideal customer’s head, and that’s the best kind of marketing.

Alright, let’s move on to Step 4, we’re close to the end now so let’s zoom in for another few seconds

No. 4| Connect Your Paid Digital Offer To A Free Offer

The fourth mental model is is to consider what FREE “thing” are you going to be giving away at the top of your funnel that will connect to your paid digital offer, which is at the bottom of your funnel.

I know it sounds like a mouthful.

But I promise you it’s not difficult to figure out as the main focus of your FREE digital offer is to add value and then take all your warm prospects from being browsers to buyers.

Now if you’re new here, you may not know that this is really the area that I thrive in.

I will do my absolute best to condense 2 decades of marketing experience into just a few minutes.

RELATED: Read how you can narrow your Lead Magnet in a way that hooks your potential customers HERE

Questions Worth Your Time 

Ok, so hopefully the mental models I shared  led you to be better informed  about what area of your genius you need to turn into a paid digital offer…

….I want you to think about spider webbing that out to a lead magnet, which again is simply free offer.

I thought the best way to explain this is by giving an example, something I learned from Jasmine Star.

Ok let’s say you’re a travel agent and you sell safari packages

That’s your paid product. 

People pay money for you to book their flights and provide the best safari experience

You already have this set up as an online business.

Now you want to create an offer that will get you leads and then turn them into paying customers.

You don’t want to do cold calls or throw all your budget behind ads.

Well you can use a FREE digital offer to bring in warm leads

This is going to feel like a full circle moment for you that puts all the steps you just learned together

Because if you’re the travel agent who wants to bring in leads to your safari experience you have to ask yourself as series of questions like :

What is my dream customer wanting to do?

What is their budget?

 Where are they coming from?

You’re having these loose ideas and then you’re going to ask yourself:

What is getting in their way of planning their dream trip?

Objections Will Always Have a Role To Play

Let’s say your ideal customers really want to go on a safari but they feel intimidated by the process or  fear for their safety

By tapping into their deepest desires and objections you can put on a FREE class about planning a safari or you  can create a FREE checklist of the: “30 Things To  Consider Before Booking A Safari.”

At the end of the checklist you may consider having a link to book a FREE 30 minute consultation where you can sell your safari package

See what I did there?

I created a path to link a free offer to a paid offer. That’s your customer journey right there

Now a FREEBIE OR A LEAD MAGNET can be a quick win.

It does not have to be long but it has to be freaking good, like amazing.

Because that’s how you are going to get your warm leads to flow to your paid offer

Now this might all look as if I am working backwards because for a lot of people you would think that you start with your free offer first.

 That’s often where a lot of students that I teach go wrong and get stuck

Because my belief is that you should start where it is easiest to do so:

In your own backyard

In your area of genius

Then you can decide on a FREE offer that links everything together in an ecosystem

This is why I recommend these 4 mental models first before you start to think about building your landing page or working with a developer.

By the time you  get to that point you’ll so confident because you’d  already have a really deep understanding idea for the online business model you want to create.

A Final Reality Check

Now, I’m not going to sit on ANY perch and tell you that once you take these four steps the money’s going to start rolling in.

Let me be clear..

 You’ll need to put together systems for driving the leads and refining your journey.

 But even that can be deeply rewarding because you’ll have a deep understanding of who you serve and all the messaging that’ll move your leads from curiosity to interest to purchase just because you took the time to do the work.

⬇️The Profitable Launch Kit. CLICK HERE to strategise,  organise & craft an online offer that power glides into any of  your upcoming launches with 4 ultimate playbooks + launch planning system.⬇️


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