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Automate Your Digital Offer For Business Success

“Automate your digital offer!” That’s the secret I’d been missing for a long time.

Let me backtrack for a minute so it all makes sense to you.

Ten years ago, I used to wonder why all the online business owners I admired not only made heaps of money on the internet but also seemed to have easier lives—more time, more joy.

It wasn’t that they weren’t working hard.

They were doing all the things digital marketers do: posting online, creating digital offers, launching products and services.

But something else was making their success more sustainable.

Then I figured it out: they all had automated workflows.

 Systems on the backend that weren’t at all visible to those of us just cranking out social media posts.

And those systems kept churning on the backend, even when those  small business owners  weren’t actively working.

They had  built digital offers, automated their systems and  when combined it placed their   revenue on repeat.

That discovery changed everything for me.

I decided to build my own business using robust systems and, automate them as much as I could.

 You see, trading time for dollars  no longer held value for me, and I made it my goal to learn how to automate, eliminate, and systemize how I earned income online.

I  can’t begin to quantify the hours, the time  and the money I put in just to be be with the big names, learning on the playfields.

But the knowledge changed the trajectory of my life.

In the past 5 years,  I’ve learned to live more fully. I have financial freedom. I am more present in the tiny moments of my life.

And this is what I want to share with you today;  the ins and outs of how to automate your digital offer.

It all begins there. Let’s dive into the details.

A Simple Way to Think About Automating Your Digital Offer

Let’s start with a soft ball.

When you hear “systems,” “automation,” and “digital offers,” it’s easy to check out of the conversation.

That’s  because you immediately start imagining  spreadsheets and endless checklists.

But hang on— building a digital offer is all about understanding how your knowledge and skills can be turned into income online.

Your offer can take on  many forms: a toolkit, a physical product, a service, group coaching, a 1:1 programme, an e-book, or an online course, a membership, subscription etc.

Basically, an offer is something you create based on your expertise, skills and passion and then sell online.

To figure out how to automate it for repeated, recurring revenue, it all comes down to the systems you build.

Think of them as your digital offer’s best friend. 

They automate all your workflows—lead generation, emails and ads funnels,  customer fulfilment, and enquiries etc.

It’s the stuff that only a few looking in will understand, until you build one of your own and see the flows at work for yourself.

Systems keep everything running smoothly. 

Best of all you can build it once, and you’ll seldom have to touch it again.

It takes work up front though but all  the benefits, aka the  sustained cash flow + time freedom, are on the back of the time you put in, once your system is built well.

When I speak  at  training sessions, I’ll tell the folks in the room that there is a BIG misconception about offers.

Most people think that creating an online course or a digital offer will lead to sales. 

And  you might get a few. But, this is not a case of build it and they will come.

As I tell my students, without systems, you won’t achieve sustained results. 

That’s what automation brings to the table: profit on repeat.

No 1| The Email System. Here’s How It Works:

Ok, time to share an example from my archives.

With  my own digital offers I focus on what leads people to make their purchasing decisions.

Then create I automate systems that connect my free offer to the  paid one.

I do this all through an email sequence which is my fave way of nurturing leads, especially if a webinar is thrown into the middle of the funnel. 

***I’ll be doing an entire post on webinars, so let’s just press on.***

A  sequence should  serve and nurture the people flowing into your funnel. That’s the first priority.

Then, it can be extended as an invitation to  dive deeper  into an experience with you before the purchase ask is made.  

Here’s a roll-out example:

  1. Create a Freebie: Think of something your ideal client would love—a free ebook, a mini-course, or a checklist etc. 
  2. Grow Your Email List: When they sign up, they enter your email universe, and this is where the magic happens.
  3. Automate your Email Sequence: Set up a series of emails that nurture your new subscribers, deliver value, and gently guide them to your paid offer—a course, membership, or another digital product.

When you understand what  your audience needs, it’s easier to lead them to the right offer.

The best part? The entire process can be automated.

Let’s put all of what I just said on repeat, because just as it is with marketing, learning happens with repetition.

The recap:  you create a free offer—a checklist, ebook, or mini-course, product etc. —that attracts your ideal customers.

Once they sign up, they’re added to your email list, and that’s where the system kicks in.

You set up an automated email sequence that nurtures them, provides value, and eventually leads them to your paid offer, like a course or membership.

Essentially, you write your welcome emails once, set them up in your email marketing software, and automate the whole process.

Now, every new subscriber your freebie  brings in will automatically receive all your emails.

This helps to build all the relationships while you focus on other important things. 

Plus, it ensures every subscriber has a consistent experience, no matter when they joined your funnel.

Since it’s all automated, the system keeps working around the clock, bringing in recurring revenue without extra effort.

And that‘s with just one system. 

As a beginner, a single offer with a robust  system is good enough. It can bring in seven figure income.

As you get more advanced, there is no limit as to how many automated offers you can build and how much revenue you can earn.

Now, I’m not saying all this is easy but a note to you: AI helps take the load off , which in turn,  helps you to build your offers and systems faster. 

Apps Make Automating Your Digital Offer Seameless

Let’s talk about apps that can help do the heavy lifting.

Wit my own funnel I have automated the way I get leads with ManyChat.  

My main source for leads though is my free offer and, email funnel which are automated in MailChimp.

My sales are fulfilled and systemised with Stripe. All customer queries are also automated. 

My webinar  gets a systems’ boost with Stealth.

These apps don’t make the customers’ journey less human.

In fact, the journey from browser to buyer  becomes more seamless, especially when your digital offer is backed by systems that work and speak to each other. 

Thanks Zapier!

Systems are so important for your digital offer to be successful. 

Once you automate them well you’ll never work hard.

You’ll work effectively and smart.

Example 2: The Content Creation System To Help Automate Your Digital Offer

Another great example of a system lending support to your digital offer is a content creation system.

Most of us crank out social media content,  blog posts, videos, or podcasts to help our offer get more mileage. 

So having a solid  content system is all about keeping  your churn organised.

The example I’ll use now is with my own blog posts, like the one you’re reading now.

My  blog feeds my SEO engine and they allow my offers to become discoverable.

In other words I must write them well,  and I must write them often.

The best way for me to do this is with a system. The alternative is  to find  myself scrambling for ideas and frantically writing every single week at the last minute.

But with a content creation system, there’s a game plan!

Here’s how I work.

At the start of each month, I’ll brainstorm all my content ideas and align them with my goals. I’ll  use my social media planner to do that.

For example this month I’m all about the sale of the AI Copy Collective.

So at the start of the month, I’ll batch-write my posts, schedule editing time, and set up my planning app so all post are scheduled automatically.  

This way, I’m  not starting from scratch every week. I’m just following a proven process that helps me stay consistent and stress-free.

Interested in me ➡ going under the hood of your systems and doing an audit  or chatting with me about you next steps. Let’s set up a call >>HERE<<

Let’s Wrap It Up

I’ve seen first hand  that when  you stop doing everything in real time, you have the  chance to earn $$$ from your offer while also feeling more relaxed and at peace.

It’s a huge advantage to work from a place of peace and still earn.

But the biggest flex yet  is  all the free time a good system brings you. 

Sure you’ll get the mental clarity to focus on the big picture: like like serving your community, sales conversions, nailing your messaging, or creating new, incredible offers.

But it’s the micro moments of my enjoying my own life  that I love so much more.

 It;’s the reason I wanted to crack the code; to get more time to do the things I love with the people I love.

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